Jumat, 18 September 2009


Nomor : PENG.1416/OKP/IX/2009

TAHUN 2009

Departemen Tenaga Kerja dan Transmigrasi berdasarkan surat Menteri Negara Pendayagunaan Aparatur Negara Nomor : 518.F/M.PAN/7/2009 tentang Persetujuan Prinsip Tambahan Formasi CPNS Pusat Tahun 2009, membuka pendaftaran Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil untuk mengisi lowongan formasi Depnakertrans tahun 2009 yang akan ditempatkan pada kantor Pusat dan Unit Pelaksana Teknis (UPT) di seluruh Indonesia.
1. Formasi Jurusan (klik untuk download)

2. Persyaratan meliputi :
a. Warga Negara Republik Indonesia berusia paling rendah 18 (delapan belas) tahun dan paling tinggi 35 (tiga puluh lima) tahun pada 1 Desember 2009;

b. Tingkat pendidikan :
1). Sarjana (S1)
- Perguruan Tinggi Negeri IPK minimal 2,65
- Perguruan Tinggi Swasta IPK minimal 2,65 dengan akreditasi minimal ‘B’
2). Diploma Tiga (D3)
- Perguruan Tinggi Negeri IPK minimal 2,75
- Perguruan Tinggi Swasta IPK minimal 2,75 dengan akreditasi minimal ‘B’
Untuk perguruan tinggi swasta, apabila dalam ijazah tersebut tidak disebutkan akreditasi perguruan tingginya, maka harus dilampirkan copy sertifikat akreditasi perguruan tinggi yang bersangkutan yang menyebutkan status akreditasinya.

c. Tidak pernah dihukum penjara atau kurungan berdasarkan putusan pengadilan yang sudah mempunyai kekuatan hukum yang tetap, karena melakukan suatu tindak pidana kejahatan;

d. Tidak berstatus sebagai Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil/Pegawai Negeri Sipil;

e. Tidak pernah diberhentikan dengan hormat tidak atas permintaan sendiri atau tidak dengan hormat sebagai PNS atau diberhentikan tidak dengan hormat sebagai pegawai swasta;
f. Berkelakuan baik dan sehat jasmani maupun rohani;
g. Tidak menjadi anggota dan atau pengurus partai politik;
h. Bersedia ditempatkan di seluruh wilayah Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia;
i. Berbahasa Inggris TOEFL = 500/IELTS=6 (diutamakan);
j. Mengisi Daftar Kelengkapan Berkas (form 1) dan Formulir Pendaftaran (form 2).

3. Ketentuan Pendaftaran :

a. Penerimaan surat lamaran :

1. Pengumuman penerimaan CPNS Depnakertrans mulai tanggal 15 s.d. 28 September 2009 melalui situs internet Depnakertrans di www.depnakertrans.go.id dan surat kabar nasional;
2. Penerimaan berkas lamaran melalui pos tercatat mulai tanggal 15 s.d. 28 September 2009 (cap pos) dan sudah diterima Panitia selambat-lambatnya tanggal 5 Oktober 2009;
3. Panitia tidak menerima surat lamaran yang diantar langsung;
4. Surat lamaran harus ditulis tangan dan ditandatangani sendiri oleh pelamar dengan menggunakan tinta hitam, ditujukan kepada Ketua Tim Pengadaan PNS Depnakertrans Tahun Anggaran 2009;
5. Pelamar memilih lokasi ujian sesuai dengan pendidikan yang dimiliki dan apabila peserta lulus seleksi Panitia berhak menempatkan CPNS sesuai dengan kebutuhan organisasi;
6. Surat lamaran, daftar kelengkapan berkas dan formulir pendaftaran beserta lampiran disusun rapi sesuai urutan form 1 dalam map kertas jepit berlubang (snelhecter) dengan warna :
1). MERAH untuk Sarjana (S1);
2). KUNING untuk Diploma Tiga (D3).
Berkas lamaran dimasukkan dalam amplop coklat ukuran folio dan dikirim melalui Kantor Pos, kepada :

PO BOX 4049 JKTM 12700

7. Berkas lamaran yang dikirim selain alamat diatas, tidak akan diproses.

b. Surat lamaran dilengkapi dengan :

1. Daftar kelengkapan berkas (form 1) dan Formulir pendaftaran (form 2). Contoh formulir berformat file pdf dapat didownload melalui situs internet Depnakertrans;
2. Pas photo terakhir ukuran 4 x 6 cm sebanyak 3 (tiga) lembar dan ditulis nama pelamar di bagian belakang photo;
3. Foto copy ijazah dan transkrip nilai yang telah dilegalisir oleh Rektor/Dekan/Pembantu Dekan Bidang Akademik bagi Universitas/Institut, atau Ketua/Pembantu Ketua Bidang Akademik bagi Sekolah Tinggi, dengan menyebutkan pejabatnya (cap basah). Surat Keterangan Lulus tidak berlaku.
4. Foto copy Kartu Tanda Penduduk (KTP) yang masih berlaku;
5. Foto copy Kartu tanda pencari kerja (Kartu Kuning/AK.1) dari Dinas yang menangani bidang Ketenagakerjaan yang masih berlaku dan dilegalisir;
6. Asli Surat Keterangan Catatan Kepolisian yang masih berlaku;
7. Amplop surat sebanyak 2 (dua) lembar yang masing-masing ditulisi nama pelamar, alamat pelamar dan ditempel perangko secukupnya.

4. Pelaksanaan seleksi :
a. Seleksi administratif (point 2 dan 3) dilakukan dengan sistem gugur.
b. Pelaksanaan tes tertulis dilaksanakan di 6 (enam) wilayah, yaitu : Pusat (Jakarta), Medan, Makassar, Samarinda, Ternate, dan Sorong.
c. Peserta yang berhak mengikuti seleksi akan diberitahukan kemudian melalui surat tertulis dan situs internet Depnakertrans meliputi nomor tanda peserta ujian, waktu dan lokasi seleksi.

5. Lain-lain :

a. Panitia tidak bertanggung jawab atas keterlambatan surat yang dikirim ke alamat pelamar.
b. Petunjuk pengisian Formulir Pendaftaran (form 2) dapat dilihat pada lampiran pengumuman ini.
c. Keputusan Tim Pengadaan PNS Depnakertrans Tahun Anggaran 2009 bersifat mutlak dan tidak dapat diganggu gugat.
d. Informasi resmi yang terkait dengan seleksi CPNS Depnakertrans tahun 2009 hanya dapat dilihat dalam situs internet Depnakertrans www.depnakertrans.go.id. Diharapkan para pelamar untuk terus memantaunya.
e. Formulir Pendaftaran (form 2) harus dicetak dengan kualitas printer Laser dan menggunakan kertas A4 80 gram.
f. Formulir Pendaftaran (form 2) tidak diperkenankan di foto copy.
g. Saat mencetak Formulir Pendaftaran (form 2) agar memperhatikan kelurusan kertas dan mengatur setting menu Print pada program apilkasi Adobe Acrobat Reader, sebagai berikut :
- pada perintah Page Scaling pilih : None
- beri tanda pada perintah Auto-Rotate and Center dan Choose Paper Source by PDF page size
- pada menu Preview ukuran kertas harus menunjukkan 8,27 x 11,69 inch (ukuran A4).

Jakarta, 15 September 2009
Kepala Biro Organisasi dan Kepegawaian
Selaku Ketua Tim Pengadaan PNS Depnakertrans
Tahun Anggaran 2009

download di bawha ini


data Cadangan
Download Posisi Jabatan
Download Formulir Online




IBM has always delivered technology innovation to our customers. Now, we partner with them in their business and help them become special company, and to stay special. To make our customers special, we need people who are above the ordinary.

IBM Indonesia recruits best-in-class professionals to deliver best breed of IT Solutions and Services to customers.

Do you have the confidence? Do you have the enthusiasm? Do you have the insights to partner with customers and deliver solutions and have significant positive impact on their business?

SAP Consultant (All Modules) - Based in Jakarta


We are seeking experienced SAP Consultants with experience in the following modules (SAP FICO, MM, SD, PP, BW), SAP Project Managers, and ABAP developers with experience in configuration, and implementation. This role uses consulting skills, team leadership skills, business knowledge, and packaged solution expertise to effectively integrate packaged technology into the clients business.


*Extensive business consulting skills in any SAP modules (FICO, SD, MM, PM, BW, Consolidation, PP etc.)
*Proven ability to lead a team of consultants and business personnel in process design workshop
Extensive Hands-on configuration of any SAP modules.
*Excellent communication and highly evolved interpersonal and presentation skills.
*Strong teaming & people management skills
*Strong problem solving & analysis skills
*Must have completed at least two to three full SAP R/3 implementation cycle

Desired Candidate:

*Hands-on experience with some sub-modules
*Experience in conducting stakeholder meetings with client staff
*Previous consulting experience with Tier-1 firms will be highly regarded.
*Strong team player
*Implementation experience with SAP ECC 5 or higher
*Experience in using LSMW for data migration

Submit your application through ibm.com/employment/id. Search for the position code and apply through IBM career portal


We are containerized public listed shipping company and stevedoring
company looking for qualified and highly motivated candidates for the
following positions:


Requirement :

1. Male and Female, age between 22 – 26 years old.

2. Bachelor Degree majoring Accounting of Informatics Technology
from reputable University with min GPA 2.75 out of 4.00 scale.

3. Having experience min. 1 year as Finance & Accounting or IT Staff
(Preferable has experience in Shipping operation).

4. Capable in operating computer program i.e. Excel Word and Power

5. Able to communicate in English, possess good communication skill
and clerical skill.

6. Have strong logical thinking & analytical skills, good
leadership, team work attitude with good interpersonal relationship,
self initiative/motivation.

7. Willing to travel to our branch.

8. Preferable live at North Jakarta or East Jakarta and can join

If you meet with our requirement, please send your application letter,
CV, phone number & latest photo to :

Jl. Tembang No.51 – Tanjung Priok
Jakarta Utara 14310
or email to: risma@oja.co.id
Phone : 021 – 4302388, Ext. 129, Fax : 021 – 43800461
Please visit our website: http://www.oja.co.id
Contact Person: Risma

*Only short listed candidates will be contacted
*Please code: BUNKER for Bunker Staff

Lowongan Penerimaan CPNS DEPDIKNAS 2009

Lowongan Penerimaan CPNS DEPDIKNAS 2009
Menindaklanjuti pengumuman kami nomor 47163/A4/KP/2009 tanggal 22 Agustus 2009 pada media cetak Kompas, Republika, dan Media Indonesia, edisi Sabtu, 22 Agustus 2009, perihal Penerimaan Tambahan Pegawai Baru di Lingkungan Departemen Pendidikan Nasional Tahun 2009,

dengan ini kami sampaikan kualifikasi akademik yang dibutuhkan unit kerja di lingkungan Departemen Pendidikan Nasional Tahun 2009 untuk dapat dipedomani bagi para calon pelamar penerimaan pegawai baru tahun 2009

Berdasarkan Keputusan Menteri Pendidikan Nasional Nomor: 47190/A4/KP/2009 tentang Penetapan Formasi Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil Dari Pelamar Umum Tahun Anggaran 2009, Departemen Pendidikan Nasional akan menerima Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil, dengan ketentuan sebagai berikut:

Formasi Penerimaan


SMK Listrik: 2 orang.
Sekolah Menengah Farmasi: 1 orang.

Diploma 3
Desain Grafis: 1 orang.
Teknik Informatika: 2 orang.
Teknik Komputer/Teknologi Komputer: 2 orang.
Perpustakaan: 1 orang.
Perawat Gigi: 2 orang.

Sarjana Strata 1
Ekonomi Manajemen: 3 orang.
Ekonomi Akuntansi: 9 orang.
Ilmu Ekonomi Studi Pembangunan: 1 orang.
Manajemen Informatika: 1 orang.
Teknik Informatika: 11 orang.
Teknik Komputer: 1 orang.
Sistim Informasi: 1 orang.
Teknologi Informasi: 1 orang.
Teknik Sipil: 1 orang.
Teknik Grafika: 1 orang.
Teknik Listrik: 1 orang.
Ilmu Hukum: 6 orang.
Administrasi Negara/Administrasi Publik: 2 orang.
Statistik: 1 orang.
Hubungan Internasional: 3 orang.
Ilmu Komunikasi/Publisistik: 3 orang.
Ilmu Perpustakaan dan Kearsipan: 1 orang.
Kesekretariatan: 1 orang.
Bah. Inggris/Sastra Inggris (Non Pendidikan): 7 orang.
Bah. dan Sastra Indonesia (Non Pendidikan): 4 orang.
Ilmu Kesehatan Masyarakat: 1 orang.
Pejaskesrek: 1 orang.

Sarjana Strata 2/Profesi
Dokter Umum: 1 orang.
Ekonomi Manajemen: 1 orang.
Penelitian dan Evaluasi Pendidikan: 1 orang.


Sarjana Strata 1

Ekonomi Akuntansi: 9 orang.
Hubungan Internasional: 1 orang.
Ilmu Kehumasan/Kehumasan/Ilmu Hubungan Masyarakat: 2 orang.
Administrasi Negara: 1 orang.
Ekonomi Manajemen dan Ekonomi Pembangunan/Keuangan/Keuangan dan Perbankan/Manajemen/Manajemen Keuangan/Manajemen Keuangan dan Perbankan: 3 orang.
Manajemen Informatika/Manajemen Informatika dan Komputer: 3 orang.
Ilmu Hukum/Hukum Tata Negara/Hukum Tata Usaha Negara/Hukum Administrasi Negara: 1 orang.
Bahasa Inggris: 1 orang.


Diploma 3

Teknik Elektro: 2 orang.
Teknik Komputer: 6 orang.

Sarjana Strata 1
Administrasi Negara: 2 orang.
Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris: 2 orang.
Ilmu Hukum: 2 orang.
Ilmu Jurnalistik: 1 orang.
Kimia: 1 orang.
Manajemen: 2 orang.
Sistem Informatika: 3 orang.
Statistika: 2 orang.
Akuntansi: 2 orang.

D. Dikdasmen

Dokter Gigi: 1 orang.
Dokter Umum: 1 orang.

Diploma 3
Analis Kimia: 1 orang
Perawat Umum: 1 orang

E. Dirjen PNFI

D3 Teknologi Informasi: 1 orang.
D3 Administrasi Sekretaris: 1 orang.
D3 Akuntansi: 2 orang.
S1 Akuntansi: 4 orang.
S1 Bahasa Inggris: 2 orang.
S1 Ekonomi Manajemen: 1 orang.
S1 Ilmu Hukum: 1 orang.
S1 Ilmu Jurnalistik: 1 orang.
S1 Ilmu Komputer: 1 orang.
S1 Ilmu Pemerintahan: 1 orang.
S1 Kearsipan: 1 orang.
S1 Kearsipan: 1 orang.
S1 Komputer Akuntansi: 1 orang.
S1 Manajemen Keuangan: 1 orang.
S1 Pendidikan Ekonomi: 1 orang.
S1 Sastra Inggris: 1 orang.
S1 Sistem Informasi: 2 orang.
S1 Statistik: 1 orang.
S1 Teknik Komputer (Ilmu Teknik)/Teknik Komputer (Ilmu Komputer): 1 orang.
S1/AIV Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini: 1 orang.
S1/AIV Pendidikan Luar Sekolah: 1 orang.
S1/AIV Pendidikan Luar Sekolah: 3 orang.
S2 Ilmu Hukum: 1 orang.
S2 Pendidikan Luar Sekolah: 3 orang.
S2 Penelitian dan Evaluasi Pendidikan: 3 orang.

Jadwal Pendaftaran
Waktu: Peneriman pendaftaran, seleksi administrasi, pengisian biodata dan pengambilan Nomor Tanda Peserta Ujian oleh yang bersangkutan mulai pada tanggal 14 September 2009 sampai dengan 6 Oktober 2009. Jam 09.30 s.d 15.00 WIB pada hari kerja.

Untuk penjelasan lebih lanjut berkenaan dengan persyaratan pelamaran CPNS dapat dilihat pada pengumuman yang disediakan oleh tiap unit kerja yang bersangkutan.

Download info Lengkapnya di SINI

Cadangan Eror Download Disini

Selasa, 15 September 2009

Lowongan Resepsionis DRTV(parttime)

Lowongan Resepsionis DRTV

lowongan kerja PT. Paramitra Media Perkasa (DRTV Corp.) di Seluruh wilayah Indonesia
PT. Paramitra Media Perkasa (DRTV Corp.)
membutuhkan tenaga profesional sebagai :


Persyaratan :
• Wanita, max 26 th.
• Min SMK/ Sederajat
• Komunikatif dan berpenampilan menarik
• Bersedia bekerja dengan target

Datang langsung interview di hari kerja :
Senin–Jumat Pkl. 09:00 - 15:00 atau
Kirim CV lengkap ke :
Gedung DRTV
Jl. Cideng Barat No. 59
Jakarta Pusat 10150
Telp : 021.385.87.87 ext. 112
Up. Rossy
ATAU lewat email ke :



lowongan kerja PT GPS Indo Mandiri di Jakarta
We are one of an expanding trading company located in Jakarta looking for highly, motivated, honest, hardworking and creative candidate to further the following position :
Male, with maximum age 30 years old
S1 Degree from Technics machine or architect
2 years experience in Consultant or contractor
Having autocat's skill, understand system plumbing's installation
Having alone motor vehicle
Excellent verbal and written in English
High proficient on using Ms Office


lowongan kerja PT GPS Indo Mandiri di Jakarta
We are one of an expanding trading company located in Jakarta looking for highly, motivated, honest, hardworking and creative candidate to further the following position :


Female, with maximum age 28 years old
S1 Degree from any majors
1 years experience in marketing administration
Having sales's soul and good communicative
Haven't gotten married
Having good performance
Excellent verbal and written in English
High proficient on using Ms Office



lowongan kerja PT GPS Indo Mandiri di Jakarta
We are one of an expanding trading company located in Jakarta looking for highly, motivated, honest, hardworking and creative candidate to further the following position :

- Male, with maximum age 30 years old
- Experience in selling product to industrial related
- D3 Degree from reputable university
- Having alone motor vehicle
- Having sales's soul and good communicative
- Having learned willingness and strong motivation
- Excellent verbal and written in English
- High proficient on using Ms Office



lowongan kerja PT GPS Indo Mandiri di Jakarta
We are one of an expanding trading company located in Jakarta looking for highly, motivated, honest, hardworking and creative candidate to further the following position :
- Male, with maximum age 30 years old
- 1 years sales experience in building product
- D3 Degree from reputable university
- Having alone motor vehicle
- Having sales's soul and good communicative
- Having learned willingness and strong motivation
- Excellent verbal and written in English
- High proficient on using Ms Office


We are containerized public listed shipping and stevedoring company
looking for qualified and highly motivated candidates for the following

1. Female, age between 24 – 27 years old.
2. Bachelor Degree from any major.
3. Having experience min. 1 year as Purchasing.
4. Good interpersonal communication and negotiation skills.
5. Have a positive work attitude, honest, initiatives, maturity in
dealing with people and able to work under pressure
6. Filling document and to make purchasing.
7. Able to speak English and Mandarin (min passive) would be an
8. Computer literate, hands on in Excel, Word.
9. Willing to work in flexible time, multi task and preferable live
at North Jakarta or East Jakarta.
10. Can join immediately is preferable.
If you meet with our requirement, please send your application letter,
CV, phone number & latest photo to :
Jl. Tembang No.51 – Tanjung Priok
Jakarta Utara 14310
or email to: risma@oja.co.id
Phone : 021 – 4302388, Ext. 129, Fax : 021 – 43800461
Please visit our website: http://www.oja.co.id
Contact Person: Risma
*Only short listed candidates will be contacted
*Please code: PURCH for Purchasing Staff

Lowongan Kerja di PT Fajar Surya Swadaya

PT Fajar Surya Swadaya

Perusahaan nasional yang sedang berkembang di bidang Forestry membutuhkan profesional yang aktif, dinamis, dan mampu bekerja secara teamwork untuk posisi:
HR-Recruitment Staff

-    Pria, usia maksimal 27 tahun
-    Pendidikan S-1 Psikologi/Profesi Psikologi (lebih diutamakan)
-    IPK minimal 3.00
-    Pengalaman minimal 2 tahun
-    Dapat melakukan administrasi, scoring, dan interprestasi tes psikologi, serta memahami dan menguasai lingkup kerja rekrutmen.
-    Bersedia dinas keluar kota
Kirimkan lamaran lengkap, CV, dan foto terbaru ke:
HR Department
PT Fajar Surya Swadaya
Jln. Alpda K.S. Tubun Raya No. 66C
Jakarta Barat 11410
Email: recruitment.center@forestindo.com (maksimal 1 MB)
Lamaran paling lambat diterima pada 24 September 2009

Oberthur Technologies

Oberthur Technologies is the world's leading provider of smartcard solutions, software and application including 2G, 3G, GSM, CDMA, Credit Cards as well as consulting personalisation.

We need talented and qualified people to fill in the positions as :
  1. Good interpersonal skill (no. 1-4)
  2. Have Minimum Bachelor degree (S1)  form IT or related major (no. 1-2)
  3. Have Minimum Diploma degree (D3)  from IT or related major (no. 3)
  4. Have Diploma degree (D3) from any major (no. 4)
  5. English communication both written and oral (no. 1-4)
  6. Familiar with cellular phone (no. 4)
  7. Have experiences in C, C++, Java, Visual Basic Programming language (no. 1-3)
  8. Have experiences with Object Oriented Programming and/or Embedded system and/or microcontroller (no. 1-2)
  9. Have Experience in software development life cycle (no. 1)
Drop your CV and related documents to:
idcareer1@oberthurcs.com or idcareer2@oberthurcs.com This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it
or : PO Box 4914 JKTM 12700
All the recruitment process will be held in Jakarta
before  27 September 2009 

IndoPacific Edelma-(Account Executive)

Career Opportunity

Edelman is the largest global independent public relations consultancy and provides a full spectrum of public relations services to help build image for the world’s leading companies and brands. Indo Pacific Edelman commenced operations in 1993, and is Indonesia’s largest public relations firm, with over 114 fulltime employees. The firm specializes in six business practice areas: Financial & Investor Relations; Healthcare; Corporate; Public Affairs/Government Relations; Technology; and Brand PR. IndoPacific Edelman has on its client roster leading multinational and national companies across the above sectors 

IndoPacific Edelman has a current requirement for the following positions:
Account Executive (position code: AE)
The Account Executive responsible for providing account support in the development and implementation of public relations programs under the supervision of the Group/Account Manager.  His or her duties will include:
  1. General account service administration and project coordination
  2. Preparation of client status report and media relation
  3. Completing all assigned task professionally in timely manner and in line with company policy and procedure
  4. Controlling budget and supplier costs in relation to assigned task
  5. Provide suggestion and initiate improvements to elements of programs being undertaken
  6. Initiate and maintain relevant media liaison.
  7. Participate in the formulation and review of client communications strategies with the Account Manager or Group Manager.
General Requirement
  1. Posses diploma or bachelor degree majoring in communication or public relation studies
  2. Having considerable working experience related to public relation
  3. Able to implement basic level knowledge of public relations principles and practices
  4. Excellent in both oral and written communications skills in Bahasa Indonesia and English.
  5. High degree of interpersonal skills
  6. A team player with excellent skill in organizing and time management
  7. Ability to think creatively, critically, and strategically
  8. Excellent ability to adapt to new conditions, assignments and deadlines. 
  9. High level of initiative and motivation to learn.
  10. Having solid knowledge of MS Office Suite. 
  11. Demonstrated good writing ability 
Consultant - Public Relations (position code: Consultant)
The consultant will be responsible for managing communications programs for IndoPacific Edelman’s clients. He/She will be involved in planning and implementation of media and other stakeholder communication programs for clients. The incumbent will also be responsible for account management for assigned clients in terms of budgeting, financial management and business development.  The consultant at this position will be required to interact with senior level management of the firm’s clients
  1. Strong academic background in Public Relation or social related studies
  2. At least 2 years of working experience related to communications.
  3. High degree of interpersonal and communication skills
  4. Excellent in both oral and written communications in Bahasa Indonesia and English.
  5. Deadline oriented with good project management skills
  6. Ability to think strategically and out-of the-box
  7. Highly self motivated and a team player
  8. Knowledge of media will be an advantage
IndoPacific Edelman presents excellent learning, growth prospects and a clear career path for those looking for a future in communications. This is a great opportunity for someone who is looking for challenging opportunities in a dynamic and learning environment.
Interested applicants meeting the above qualifications should send their resume to or agnes.diah@indopacedelman.comThis e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it or penti.sekarasih@indopacedelman.comThis e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it and write the position code in the subject. 

BII-Credit marketing and advancing proper

Draw your future with us

As a big & main player in the indonesian banking industry, BII keeps going on and achieving its goals even in this time of tough competition. Now BII is once again inviting potential candidates to join the ODP-SMEC (Officer Development Program for Small Medium Enterprise and Commercial banking). Through one years of BII ODP-SMEC, you will have the opportunity to unlock your potentials in credit marketing and advancing proper analysis for credit application. When you havee passed the program, you will be entitled as Assistant Manager of SMEC Banking.
Requirement :
  1. Min. Bachelor degree, from any discipline
  2. Max. 26 years old for bachelor degree; max 29 years old for post graduate
  3. Min. GPA of 2.75
  4. Strong in interpersonal & communication skills
  5. Good analytical thinking
  6. Fluent in English both written and spoken

In 2009, ODP will be held throughout Indonesia*. The soonest ODP selection will be conduct in Jakarta, for placement in jabodetabek area.

Send along your comprehensive resume with recent photograph indicating "ODP-Jakarta" on the top right of your envelope or in the subject line of your email, no later then October 5, 2009 to :

HR-Recuitment & Sourcing
PT. Bank International Indonesia, Tbk
Wisma Kodel Lt.4
Jl. HR Rasuna Said kav. B-4
Jakarta 12920

recuitment@bankbii.comThis e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it

American Prep

American Prep, pionir lembaga Tutorial Plus, membutuhkan beberapa Pengajar Part-Time (fee per sesi yang menarik) / Full-Time (income lebih baik dari rata-rata guru) untuk :

  1. Matematika SMA
  2. Kimia SMA
  3. Fisika SMA

  1. Bersedia mengajar di Jaksel dan/atau Jakbar (semua)
  2. D3/S1/S2 (semua)
  3. IPK min. 2,7  (semua)
  4. Good Conversational English (semua)
  5. Jurusan Matematika / Statistika / Pendidikan Matematika (1)
  6. Jurusan Kimia / Teknik Kimia / Farmasi / Teknik Gas & Petro Kimia/ Pendidikan Kimia (2)
  7. Jurusan Fisika / Teknik / Pendidikan Fisika (3)

(mahasiswa, alumni, professional, dll)

Yang penting :
  1. Memenuhi syarat-syarat diatas
  2. Lulus Psikotes
  3. Lulus Subject Test
Kirim CV, fee per sesi yang diminta*), dll sebelum 04 Oktober 2009 ke:
amepr@ymail.comThis e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it
*)= Harap yang realistis/masuk akal

Pengumuman Penerimaan CPNS UI 2009

Pengumuman Penerimaan CPNS UI 2009

Dalam rangka memenuhi kebutuhan dosen dan teknisi di lingkungan di lingkungan Universitas Indonesia tahun 2009 akan mengangkat 52 orang Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil.

Pengumuman lebih lanjut tentang tata cara pelamaran, jumlah formasi, dan kualifikasi akademik yang dibutuhkan dapat dilihat pada link ini
[Download FILE UI CPNS]

jika mengalami kegagalan

Jakarta, 14 September 2009
Ketua Panitia Seleksi Penerimaan CPNS
Universitas Indonesia Tahun 2009


Ir. Herr Soeryantono, M.Sc, Ph.D.
NIP 19550124 198503 1002

Senin, 14 September 2009


Kepolisian Negara Republik Indonesia memberi kesempatan kepada Warga Negara Indonesia yang memenuhi persyaratan untuk menjadi Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil Polri tahun 2009 dengan ketentuan sebagai berikut.

Formasi Penerimaan

Dokter Umum: 8 orang
Dokter Gigi: 6 orang
Apoteker: 1 orang
S1 Akuntansi / Keuangan dan Perbankan / Perpajakan: 17 orang
S1 Akuntansi / Manajemen / Manajemen Keuangan / Studi Pembangunan: 38
S1 Akuntansi / Manajemen / Manajemen Keuangan / Keuangan dan Perbankan / Perpajakan: 55
S1 Manajemen Informatika / Teknik Komputer / Teknik Informatika / Sistem Informatika: 55
S1 Agama Hindu: 1 orang
S1 Agama Budha: 1 orang
S1 Sejarah Indonesia: 2 orang
D3 Keperawatan: 12 orang
D3 Kebidanan: 6 orang
D3 Akuntansi: 55 orang
D3 Kearsipan: 2 orang
D3 Manajemen Informatika / Teknik Komputer / Teknik Informatika / Sistem Informatika: 158 orang
D1 Komputer / SMK Komputer / SMU Plus Sertifikat Komputer: 22 orang
SMK Tata Boga/SMU Plus Juru Masak: 6 orang
SMK / STM Juru Design Grafis / Teknik Grafika: 2 orang
SMK / STM Mesin / Otomotif / Mekanik Pesawat Terbang: 6 orang
SMK / STM Teknik Elektro: 4 orang
Pesyaratan Umum

Berusia serendah-rendahnya 18 tahun dan setinggi-tingginya 35 tahun pada 1 Desember 2009 atau 40 bagi yang pernah mengabdi di instansi pemerintah.
Jadwal Pendaftaran

Pendaftaran peserta seleksi Pengadaan CPNS Polri Tahun 2009 melalui pos, mulai 17 September 2009 dan ditutup 8 Oktober 2009 (stempel pos)
Berkas paling lambat diterima tanggal 15 Oktober 2009 jam 15.00 WIB

Untuk ketentuan dan jadwal selengkapnya silahkan download pengumuman resminya di bawah ini..silahkan Klik Huruf yang Berkedip2..Thanks!

Data Download

jika mengalami kegagalan atao  Silahkan download di bawah ini

Data Cadangan

PT. Astra Otoparts, Tbk

PT. AT Indonesia is one of the largest  Casting and Machining Component/Part Automotive and Non-automotive Manufacturing in Indonesia . We are joint venture between PT. Astra Otoparts, Tbk and Aisin Takaoka Japan . Now, we are seeking for talented and high caliber candidates who are looking for more challenges and better future to join as part our growth for the following positions

Bachelor Degree in Mechanical engineering or Metallurgy and Materials Engineering background.
Fresh Graduate or max 2 years experience in casting
GPA Min 2.75 from reputable university
Max age 27 years old
The candidate must have good command in English
Having strong personality, strong leadership, communication skill, good analytical teamwork and creativity, pressure persistent and adaptable.
NOTE : Write the position you apply at email subject
Please send your application by post mail not later than October 7th, 2009 to:
HRD Department
PT. AT Indonesia
JL. Maligi III H1-5, Kawasan Industri KIIC
Karawang 41361
Or by e-mail to:  hrd@at-indonesia.co.id

Minggu, 13 September 2009


PT EPSON INDONESIA invite you, a highly motivated, entrepreneurial and result oriented individuals to join and grow with our dynamic team. If you meet our requirements, step forward to reach our offer: an expanding career opportunity. The positions needed are:
1. Account Executive Jakarta Area-Staff (AE-JKT)
2. Account Executive Banjarmasin Area-Staff (AE-BJM)
Responsibilities: developing and operating sales to achieve target, maintaining relationship with channel, handling sales report.
Requirements: female/male, age 23-28 years old, min D3 degree in any major, well knowledge of Adobe Photoshop, min 1 year experience in selling it product/ direct selling, willing to do extensive market, willing to travel, energetic, flexible, domicile in Jakarta/Banjarmasin area.
General Requirements: excellent knowledge of english and bahasa indonesia, independent, good team work, good communication skill, min GPA 3.00, computer literate (esp. MS-Office), willing to work overtime and should be able to work under pressure.
3. Account Manager Makassar Area-Staff (AM-MKS)
4. Account Manager Semarang Area-Staff (AM-SMG)
Responsibilities: developing business/ corporate market, manage related sales activities to achieve target, maintain close relationships with corporate users.
Requirements: male, age 25-35 years old, min. S1 degree in any major, min 1 year exp. in handling Corporate Sales (IT products preferably), good presentation skill, ambitious, target oriented, domicile in Makassar/Semarang area.
General Requirements: excellent knowledge of english and bahasa indonesia, independent, good team work, good communication skill, min GPA 3.00, computer literate (esp. MS-Office), willing to work overtime and should be able to work under pressure.
Please put code of position at upper right of your envelope or send your CV including your latest photo not less than 19 September 2009 to:
Wisma Kyoei Prince16th, Fl, Jl. Jendral Sudirman Kav .3
Jakarta 10220
Or email us with the position code as the title to: prima.k@ein.epson.co.id
(Attachment maximum 250 KB).

CPNS Badan Kepegawaian Negara

CPNS Badan Kepegawaian Negara

Dalam rangka mengisi lowongan formasi Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil Tahun Anggaran 2009, sebagaimana telah ditetapkan dalam Keputusan Menteri Negara Pendayagunaan Aparatur Negara Nomor : 241 Tahun 2009, tanggal 31 Agustus 2009, maka Badan Kepegawaian Negara membuka kesempatan bagi Warga Negara Republik Indonesia yang berminat menjadi Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil di lingkungan Badan Kepegawaian Negara, dengan ketentuan sebagai berikut:
Formasi Penerimaan

* Dokter Umum: 2 orang
* S2 Psikologi: 2 orang
* S1 Bahasa Inggris: 2 orang
* S1 Sospol: 7 orang
* S1 Akuntansi: 8 orang
* S1 Psikologi: 4 orang
* S1 Komputer: 13 orang
* S1 Hukum: 15 orang
* S1 Komunikasi: 6 orang
* D3 Akper: 1 orang
* D3 Sospol: 7 orang
* D3 Perpustakaan: 1 orang
* D3 Akuntansi: 4 orang
* D3 Komputer: 20 orang
* D3 Elektro: 6 orang

Persyaratan Pelamar

* Setiap Pelamar menyampaikan lamaran yang ditulis tangan dengan tinta hitam dan ditanda-tangani sendiri oleh pelamar dan bermaterai Rp. 6.000,- dan ditujukan kepada Kepala Badan Kepegawaian Negara dengan melampirkan:
o Foto copy Sah Surat Tanda Tamat Belajar/Ijazah terakhir yang telah dilegalisir;
o Foto copy Sah Transkrip Nilai Akademik yang telah dilegalisir;
o Kartu Kuning (Keterangan Pencari Kerja) dari Depnaker/Disnaker;
o Pas photo ukuran 3 x 4 cm sebanyak 3 (tiga) lembar;
o Sertifikat TOEFL dengan skor minimal 400 yang dikeluarkan dari Lembaga Pendidikan yang terakreditasi.
* Bagi pelamar berpendidikan S.1 dan S.2 Indek Prestasi Kumulatif (IPK) minimal : 2,75
* Bagi pelamar berpendidikan Diploma III, Indek Prestasi Kumulatif (IPK) minimal : 2,6
* Berusia serendah-rendahnya 18 (delapan belas) tahun dan setinggi-tingginya 35 (tiga puluh lima) tahun per 1 Desember 2009(*) dan atau 40 (empat puluh) tahun per 1 Desember 2009(*), bagi yang bekerja pada instansi pemerintah atau lembaga swasta yang berbadan hukum yang menunjang kepentingan Nasional paling kurang 12 tahun pada 17 April 2009.
* Berkas lamaran dimasukkan dalam stopmap dengan mencantumkan nama jabatan yang dilamar dan kode jabatan serta lokasi yang dilamar, lamaran langsung diserahkan kepada Sekretariat Tim Pengadaan CPNS BKN

Tempat dan Waktu Pendaftaran

* Penerimaan Lamaran BKN Pusat bertempat pada Sekretariat Tim Pengadaan Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil Badan Kepegawaian Negara (BKN), Jalan Letjen Sutoyo No. 12 Cililitan, Jakarta Timur.
* Waktu Pendaftaran bagi Penerimaan Lamaran BKN Pusat dan Kantor Regional I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, IX, X, XI dan XII pada tanggal 15 -30 September 2009 mulai pukul 09.00 s/d 15.00 WIB, pada hari kerja.

Lokasi Kantor Regional BKN

* Kantor Regional I BKN di Yogyakarta.
* Kantor Regional II BKN di Surabaya.
* Kantor Regional III BKN di Bandung.
* Kantor Regional IV BKN di Makassar.
* Kantor Regional V BKN di Jakarta.
* Kantor Regional VI BKN di Medan.
* Kantor Regional VII BKN di Palembang.
* Kantor Regional IX BKN di Jayapura.
* Kantor Regional X BKN di Denpasar.
* Kantor Regional XI BKN di Manado.
* Kantor Regional XII BKN di Pekanbaru.

Untuk info selengkapnya silahkan download pengumuman resminya di link berikut ini :




Nomor : KP.01.03-Mn/ 490



toyota astra financial(courtesy by Newspaper)

Untuk Melihat Full Image dari info ini..silahkan Klik Kanan pada pict dan selanjutnya klik view image!oke!!


DEKA Marketing Research, an independent full-service marketing research company in Indonesia and member of ESOMAR (the world leading organization that serves research into markets, consumers and societies), is currently looking for qualified people to fill the position of:

. Female, max. 23 years old
. DIII degree in Secretary with GPA min. 3.00 from reputable university
. Excellent communication skills both oral & written in English and Bahasa
. Strong administration and time management skills
. Good analytical skill
. Flexible and creative
. Computer literate (MS Office esp. Excel & Powerpoint), good in chart & graphic design (PhotoShop, CorelDraw, etc.
. Meticulous, deadline driven, self motivated, team player
. Prefer Design Graphic
. Service oriented
. Any experience in marketing research will be an advantage
Please submit your comprehensive CV to:
HR Department
DEKA Marketing Research
Jl. Wolter Monginsidi No. 24A,
Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta 12170
Or email to: hrd@deka-research.co.id prior to September 14, 2009.
. Please write the position code (RS-09) in the upper-right corner of your CV or in your email subject.
. Email attachment should be in MS Word document (.doc) with max. 200 KB in size!



We are very fast growing retail company, specializing in teenage fashion and surf wear within leading international brands, looking for high caliber candidates who have big passion for fashion retail on surfing industry, a team player, able to create a hard and smart working environment, willing to provide the best, honest and have integrity to reach our vision and mission. Join our team as :


Qualification :
Male / female, bachelor degree in visual merchandising / related field2 (two) years in similar experienceUnderstanding of visual communication, are communicative and resourceful in executing visual merchandising concepts and handling transforming store windows and visual displays each seasonPleasant personality, paid attention on details and ability to work independently under tight deadlinesExcellent knowledge and skill in design, illustrator, free hand, and photoshopInspirational with new ideas at conceptual levelGood command of spoken and written englishAvailable for traveling and placement Bali

Qualification :
Male / femaleMin D3 in marketing communication from reputable university, or public relationMinimum 2 years experience in marketing, advertising and communicationPleasant personality, paid attention on details and ability to work independently under tight deadlinesComputer literate is a must (Ms.Office)Willing to work hard, good team player, creative, excellent skill in promotion or advertising and public media relation.PLACEMENT IN BALI

Qualification :
Single, Male, age max 30 years oldS1 Degree in related fieldMinimum 2 years experience in retail industry are preferablyGood analytical skills, good logical thinking and good team workComputer literate is a must (Ms.Office)Hard working and ability to work under pressurePLACEMENT IN BALI
Please send your application letter with detailed resume / CV and recent photograph within 14 days from advertisement to :

PT. Planet Selancar Mandiri
Jl. Mertasari No. 7 Banjar Pangubengan Kangin
Kerobokan Kuta – Bali



career at Mastersystem

career at Mastersystem is an opportunity to be part of an enterprise that values a healthy working environment. Dedicated, enthusiastic and responsible are just a few words that describe the employees at Mastersystem.

Our attitude is relaxed and open-minded, while also maintaining professionalism. All our employees strive to provide excellence in quality service to our clients. If you would like to be part of our team please check for available jobs opportunities below.

Available Jobs :

Account Manager (AM)

Male / Female S1 graduate
Not older than 28 years.
Fluent in English.
Strong communication skills & able to work independently
Willing to work in under pressured
Graduated from reputable university

Network Engineer (NE)

S1 Computer/Electro/Informatics
IPK > 3.2 reputable university
Certificate CCNA/CCNP preferable

ERP Support / Administrator (NAV)

S1 Computer/Electro/Informatics
Familiar with Microsoft Navision or any other ERP system
Hard worker and willing to learn

Please send your application and resume to :

PT. Mastersystem Infotama
Wisma Nugra Santana, 2nd Floor
Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav.7-8
Jakarta 10220

or email to : recruitment@mastersystem.co.id

Darya-Varia Group

Darya-Varia Group - We are a Pharmaceutical Group engaged in the manufacture and marketing of prescription and OTC medicines. We are inviting young and talented professionals to join us for the following position:


Specification :

* Female
* Min. Bachelor Degree (S1), Pharmacy/Biology/Chemistry
* Analytical thinking, creative, and systematic
* Fluent in English, both written and oral
* Able to operate Microsoft Office
* Able to work independently and in a team as well
* Have good performance, communication, and interpersonal skill

2. System & Network Administrator (Supervisory Level) Darya Varia (DVL)

Required personality profile :
- Hardworking, honest and good personality.
- Having very high enthusiasm of technologies and high curiosity in exploring & generating new ideas in related with the jobdesc.
- Able to work independently and good team player.
- Able to work under pressure
- Meticulous in documentations and reports work.

IT infrastructure:
1. Expert in connectivity technologies:
a. UTP wiring system & design.
b. Fiber Optic wiring system & design.
2. Understand Data Centre technologies:
a. Automatic Fire extinguisher & alarm concept & technologies.
b. Wiring closet & physical security requirements.
3. Knowledgeable in:
a. Data switching technologies (VLAN, Port configuration, layer 3 switching, etc) of 3Com products.
b. Cisco routing technologies and general routing concept of :
i. Static routing, routing path, administrative distance, etc
ii. Simple dynamic routing, such as: RIP
c. Security concept and technologies (such as Firewall, IPS, Filtering technologies, rules design, etc).
4. Expert in Network & Transport layer concept (OSI, protocols, IP v4,IP v6, etc).

Windows Operating System & Applications:
1. Expert & familiar in Windows 2000 & 2003 Server technologies of:
a. Multi site Active Directory concept, design, implementation, security, trouble shooting and recovery.
b. Design and configuring Group Policy in Active Directory.
c. Windows Servers OS maintenance, trouble shooting and disaster recovery.
d. Windows OS features and related supporting technologies.
2. Expert in ISA Server of:
a. Multi site ISA Server 2003/2006 concept, design and implementation.
b. ISA Server Security, features & related technologies.
3. Expert Exchange server 2003
a. Design, configuring, maintaining, trouble shoot and recover of Microsoft Exchange server 2003.
b. Backup & restore of exchange database.
c. Exchange Disaster recovery with 3rd party backup software.
4. Understand SCCM / SCOM design & concept.
5. Having knowledge in Microsoft SQL Server 2000 & 2005 administration, backup & recovery, troubleshooting and maintenance.
6. Expert in Microsoft workstation OS, such as Windows 2000 pro, XP /Vista.

Minimum working experience in related infrastructure: 5 years

Special Benefit if :

- Having MCSE Messaging.
- Familiar with Virtualization concept & technologies (VMware / Virtual PC).
- Experience with enterprise antivirus technologies.
- Experience with IP base PABX system (Alcatel / Avaya / Nortel).
- Having knowledge on linux OS.

Please send the C.V to ika.nurul@medifarma.biz or Kartika.sari@darya-varia.com (HRD Recruitment)


PT. AT Indonesia is one of the largest Casting and Machining Component/Part Automotive and Non-automotive Manufacturing in Indonesia . We are joint venture between PT. Astra Otoparts, Tbk and Aisin Takaoka Japan . Now, we are seeking for talented and high caliber candidates who are looking for more challenges and better future to join as part our growth for the following positions


Bachelor Degree in Mechanical engineering or Metallurgy and Materials Engineering background.
Fresh Graduate or max 2 years experience in casting
GPA Min 2.75 from reputable university
Max age 27 years old
The candidate must have good command in English
Having strong personality, strong leadership, communication skill, good analytical teamwork and creativity, pressure persistent and adaptable.

NOTE : Write the position you apply at email subject

Please send your application by post mail not later than October 7th, 2009 to:
HRD Department
PT. AT Indonesia
JL. Maligi III H1-5, Kawasan Industri KIIC
Karawang 41361
Or by e-mail to: hrd@at-indonesia.co.id

Lowongan MIS di Bank Panin Pusat

Lowongan MIS di Bank Panin Pusat

lowongan 2 posisi di bank Panin Pusat (Jakarta) sebagai MIS dan Customer Analysis (Consumer Banking). 1 lowongan untuk Fresh Grad, 1 lagi untuk yg sudah experience.


1. Untuk yg Fresh Grad,
- lulus S1
- jurusan IT, MIS, yah yg berhubunganlah
- bisa excel lbh advance diutamakan --> formula, macro
- bisa SQL diutamakan
- lulusan universitas yg berhubungan ma IT lebih di utamakan --> misal Binus, Gunadarma ato UI, ITB

2. yg sudah experience
- minimal 1 tahun di bidang yg sama
- bisa excel yg advance
- mampu merancang MIS report dalam hal penentuan KPI, layout report
- analytics
- attention to detail
- good at Math
- mengerti rancangan/design system (User Interface dan flow) utk customer mgmt system --> diutamakan
- mampu berkomunikasi dgn baik, karena harus sering bertemu dgn user utk requirement gathering

tambahan (gk wajib):
- lulusan luar --> bisa memberi nilai tambah
- wanita lebih disukai --> karena harus bikin dokumentasi, filing, memo dll. n dont know why yah... biasanya wanita lbh rapi

kirim CV ke email: desuki78@hotmail.com besera foto terbaru

- kalo ada pertanyaan, JANGAN ke email, bisa posting disini aja. soalnya kalo email penuh, saya gk baca satu2..lgs delete.
- email hanya untuk kirim CV
- maaf, tapi saya tidak melayani pertanyaan seperti "knp saya tidak di panggil interview, dll" --> keputusan juri tidak dapat diganggu gugat :P hehehhe


Esco is recognized as a global player in containment, clean air and
laboratory equipment technology. We are highly oriented towards the
international marketplace, with distribution in more than 70 countries
and a direct presence in 10 of the key global markets. Esco embodies
innovation, forward-thinking design, coupled with a tradition of quality
since 1978.

Esco is recruiting the best people for our Bintan office:
1. Electrical Testing
- Liaising with production supervisor/ engineer for product scheduling
and flow to fulfill export schedule
- Troubleshoot electrical problem and provide fast solution and
prevention action
- Conduct electrical safety test
- Diploma in Electrical Engineering
- Able to draw single line drawing
- Have good knowledge in AC motors, relays, electronic ballast,
EMC, electrical safety standard, PLC Siemens, etc.
- Good knowledge of Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, etc)
- Able to work under pressure and tight schedule
- Good command in written and spoken English
- Willing to and able to work in a cross functional team
2. Electrical (Assembly)
- Liaising with production supervisor/ engineer for product
scheduling and flow to fulfill export schedule
- Improve assembly process in order to reduce waste and increase
- Diploma in Electrical Engineering
- Good knowledge of Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, etc)
- Able to work under pressure and tight schedule
- Good command in written and spoken English
- Willing to and able to work in a cross functional team
3. Refrigeration Engineer
- Analyze, design, develop, and enhance thermal control systems
- Conduct thermal analysis, mechanical calculations and network
with developers/ engineers
- Report estimation of project cost
- Perform prototype design, evaluation, testing and integration
- Prepare and update results documentation, engineering drawings
and operation procedures
- Assist and support manufacturing and production issues as well
as provide consultation/ improvement plan
- Diploma / Bachelor degree in Engineering / Mechanical especially
in Refrigeration/Air-conditioning System
- Expert knowledge on Heat Transfer, Fluids Dynamic, Finite
Element Analysis, Cooling and Ventilation analysis, Pressure relief
analysis, and Compressor selection
- Knowledge of refrigeration theories and practices
- Familiar with actual production methods/ brazing methodology
- Good command in written and spoken English
- Familiar with 3D modelling software (e.g. Vertex, Solidwork,
Autocad, etc)
- Fresh grads are welcome to apply
4. Assistant Store Supervisor
- To manage a team of storemen
- Responsible for accuracy in physical stock
- To make sure smooth material flow production
- Diploma from any fields
- Able to drive forklift (preferred)
- Preferably has experience working in warehouse or logistic
- Knowledge of custom documentation
5. QA Engineer
- Develops and initiates standards and methods for inspection,
testing, and evaluation of products
- Identify and resolve problems related to manufacturing process,
materials, or design and coordinate with the respective departments
within the company
- Develops and implements methods and procedures to improve the
quality of products
- Maintain and improve the QC systems including metrics for each
- Degree in Mechanical/Manufacturing Engineering
- At least 1 year experience in QA / QC in a manufacturing company
- Demonstrated Quality Control experience with knowledge of ISO
9001, SPC, and other QC tools
- Good command in written and spoken English
6. Bending Specialist
* Operate bending machine according to schedule
* Able to analyze bending and problems and make improvement in
product floor
* Report to Bending Engineer / supervisor on daily basis
* Maintain machine accordingly
* Diploma in Mechanical Engineering
* Healthy and able to work in production floor
* Good machine operational skill
* Good machine maintenance knowledge
* Able to read engineering drawing well
* Able to communicate and work in a team
* Good command in written and spoken English
Please send your resume to:
- Position you apply for
- Expected salary
- Reason of leaving

Tips Tes Seleksi ODP MANDIRI

Tips Tes Seleksi ODP
Kelar kirim Lamaran, tinggal tunggu aja...
tiap bulannya lamaran diproses dan dirutkan berdasarkan urutan masuk..
selain itu kadang kala proses seleksi kita digabungkan menurut asal pengiriman surat (jakarta,jogja,surabaya)..

Jenis2 tesny :
1. Walkin interview..
Interview bahasa inggris, interview awal pertanyaannya singkat seputar diri kita, toefl kita, dan kenapa milih kerja di bank mandiri...(buka n baca2 web-site mandiri gan,biar kliatan paham tntng bank mandiri)
Meliputi logika verbal dan numerik, logika verbal berupa bacaan2 yg hrs kita pahami serta pertanyaan logika berkisar pernyataan di bacaan, logika numerik berupa soal2 logika matematika yg penyelesaiaiinya berdasarkan data/tabel/grafik yg terlampir.(ada beberapa angkatan yg berbeda test TPA-ny,tp pada intinya kerjakan denganCEPAT dan teliti)
3.Test Toefl
test standart toefl,soal reading,listening,vocab,dan tentu saja grmmr. min toefl 500an...
4.Interview Aptitude
denger2 skrng test ini diganti ama FGD(Forum Disc Group) tp tak apalah dibahas,barangkali dipake lg ni seleksi(konon vendorny mahal plus sadis seleksinya lbh dr 75%pesertany failed).
Peserta ditempatkan di ruang tersendiri, kemudian pewawancara akan datang secara bergiliran.sebelumnya kita disuruh mengisi priority test.100soal disuruh memilih jawaban yg mencerminkan diri anda
Pewwncara 1. Test pengaturan schedule
Pewwncara 2. Test presentasi produk
Pewwncara 3. Test problem solving
Pewwncara 4. Test pengalaman diri serta problem sorlvingny
Pewwncara 5. pertanyaan sama spt pwwncra 4, dinilai konsistensi kita serta pengalaman kita yg lain.
5.Test Kesehatan
seperti biasa,pemeriksaannya pun tdk begitu ketat,tp tetap jaga kesehatan kita tentunya..(nb:buta warna=failed)
6.Interview BOD/ Manajement
usahakan menjawab dengan smart,dan tunjukan minat kita untuk bekerja di bank mandiri.spt biasa rajin2ny baca website mandiri(terutama culture)

Dan terakhir Wooaalaaa...Selamat bergabung di Bank Mandiri....

PT Bank Mandiri (Persero)

Bank Mandiri Officer Development Program (ODP)

Dalam rangka mempersiapkan kader-kader pemimpin, PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk. memberi kesempatan pada lulusan terbaik Unpad untuk mengikuti seleksi sebagai kandidat melalui jalur Officer Development Program (ODP) dengan syarat sebagai berikut:

1. Lulusan S1/S2 semua jurusan kecuali: Ilmu Kesehatan/Keperawatan, Sastra, Seni, Keguruan dan Keagamaan.
2. S1 IPK Min 3,00 ; S2 IPK Min 3,20
3. Usia Maksimal saat seleksi awal: 26 th untuk S1 : 28 th untuk S2
4. Memiliki kemampuan Bhs Inggris lisan/tulisan
5. Mampu mengoperasikan computer minimal program MS Office
6. Belum menikah dan bersedia tidak menikah selama pendidikan
7. Bersedia menjalani ikatan dinas
8. Bersedia ditempatkan di seluruh wilayah Indonesia

Aplikasi Lamaran harus melampirkan :
a. Pasphoto berwarna terbaru ukuran 4×6 sebanyak 2 lembar
b. Photokopi KTP yang masih berlaku sebanyak 1 lembar
c. Daftar Riwayat Hidup/CV lengkap
d. Photokopi Surat Keterangan Lulus/Ijazah terakhir yang sudah dilegalisir.
e. Photokopi transkrip nilai (dilegalisir)
f. Photokopi sertifikat/dokumen pendukung lainnya.

Catatan Tambahan:
1. Cantumkan kode “ODP” pada sudut kiri atas amplop
2. Belum pernah mengikuti seleksi PT Bank Mandiri
3. Hanya pelamar yang lulus dari seleksi administrative yang akan diikutsertakan pada tahap seleksi berikutnya.
4. Setiap tahap seleksi berlaku system gugur
5. Pelaksanaan seleksi tidak dipungut biaya

Kirim Lamaran ke :
Human Capital Services Group
PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk
Jakarta 12700


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